MC3 Program - Connect with a Behavioral Health Consultant

What is MC3?
The MC3 program provides psychiatry support to primary care providers in Michigan who are managing patients with behaviorial health problems. Support is available through same day phone consultations to referring providers.
Who Can Participate?
Primary care providers in Michigan are invited to participate in the program. As part of their participation, providers will be asked to sign an Agreement that outlines the program scope.
Which patients are appropriate for consultation?
- Children, adolescents and young adults ages 0-26.
- Women who are contemplating pregnancy, pregnant or postpartum (up to one year).
- The treating provider or clinic designee initiates a call to the Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC), a masters-level mental health professional based locally.
- The BHC triages the referral, responds to any questions that are within the scope of his/her expertise, and forwards appropriate cases to the MC3 psychiatrist for same day phone consultation.
- The psychiatrist calls the provider and offers guidance on diagnoses, medications, or psychotherapy interventions.
- Upon completion of the consultation a written summary of the consultation is sent to the provider along with local resources. In select regions telepsychiatry evaluations may be available as an additional resource.
- Please note that MC3 is not an emergency service. Emergency consultations will be redirected to local emergency services.
- U of M psychiatrists do not prescribe medication or provide ongoing treatment, but rather support prescribers as they provide care.
For same day phone consultation call 844-289-0381. U-M Psychiatrists and Behavioral Health Consultants available Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm, excluding holidays.
How Trauma Can Impact Four Types of Memory
How Trauma Can Affect Your Window of Tolerance
How a Caregiver's Trauma Can Impact a Child's Development
Montcalm RISC, http://montcalmrisc.org/resourcemap-emotional.html
Relief Against Violent Encounter (RAVE) 800-720-7233
Families Against Narcotics (IMFAN) 616-329-9645
EightCAP, Inc. 866-754-9315, 8cap.org
Dial 2-1-1, or text your zip code to 898211*
Internet Resources:
ACES 101, http://acestoohigh.com/aces-101/
ACEs Connection www.acesconnection.com
MI Bridges, http://www.michigan.gov/mibridges - Apply for or view your benefits, manage your account, upload documents, and more.
Triple-P Parenting, www.triplep-parenting.net/glo-en/home/
Community Resilience Initiative, criresilient.org
CDC-Kaiser Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/childabuseandneglect/acestudy/
Zero to Three Guides for Parents, https://www.zerotothree.org/parenting