When we think about trauma, we may think about car accidents, veteran’s returning from the horrors of war, or losing a loved one. But a person can experience trauma as a result of events that we may think are just part of everyday life. Events like divorce, physical and/or emotional abuse, or neglect can be as traumatic in our lives as those huge events that we hear about on the evening news.
In fact, the younger we are when we experience trauma the more damaging that trauma can be. Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs, are tough times that happen to us as children. When these events cause stress and become constant and overwhelming they cause trauma and are toxic to a child’s brain.
What Are ACEs?
Adverse Childhood Experiences, or ACEs are traumatic events that happen to us as children. Watch this 5 minute video and learn about Aces and how they can affect you and the members of your family.
To learn more, check the CDC's ACE Study website. You'll find, among other things, a list of studies that explore the ways adverse childhood experiences have been linked to a variety of adult conditions, ranging from increased headaches to depression to heart disease.
Survey Available
Scan or click on the QR code below to take a Survey regarding Adverse Childhood Experiences. This information will help you and your provider better understand how to work together to support your health and well-being. The information shared is anonymous.