Access Now
Access Now is the welcoming front door to Montcalm Care Network services and your quick connection to community resources.
- By Telephone: Access Now staff can be reached by calling 989-831-7520 or toll-free 800-377-0974. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If a person is hearing impaired, they can contact the Michigan Relay Center at 1-800-649-3777 or by simply dialing 7-1-1. The Relay Center will relay the call to us.
- Walking In: Walk-In hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Access Now offices are located within Montcalm Care Network, 611 North State Street in Stanton. Average wait time to be seen is 10 minutes or less
When you contact Access Now, you will be asked several questions regarding your current needs and treatment history. These screening questions will help us determine if we have services to best meet your needs.
A face-to-face assessment will need to be completed with a qualified professional to confirm eligibility for our programs and services.
If we are not the appropriate agency to meet your needs, Access Now staff will connect with other providers and resources in our community.
Please let Access Now staff know if you have difficulty with transportation. Many of our services are conveniently provided throughout the county. If you can’t get to Stanton to meet with Access Now staff, we can help!