
Walk With Me Rally

Walk with me rally:

  • Join us at Montcalm Care Network to celebrate Mental Health Month by joining together as a community to learn about mental health stigma, promote wellness, educate and support each other, and raise awareness in Montcalm County together during this rain or shine event.
  • Saturday, May 10th, 2025
  • Montcalm Care Network, 611 N State Street, Stanton. Parking on the North side of the building.
  • Rally Agenda
    • Rally begins at 9:00 am with live music, speakers, and light refreshments
    • Walk begins at 10:00 am

Foundation and donations:

The Montcalm Mental Health Foundation provides hope to many individuals working towards mental wellness in Montcalm County. As a charitable organization, the Foundation is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the lives of those who receive services from the Montcalm Care Network.
The Foundation's primary goal is to raise funds to improve the quality of life for individuals served by Montcalm Care Network. Additionally, the Foundation seeks to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness and to increase public awareness of the services available through Montcalm Care Network.
The Walk With Me event aims to raise awareness and foster empathy for individuals facing mental health challenges, as well as to honor those who have lost their lives to mental illness. The rally encourages participants to gain a deeper understanding of others' experiences by symbolically walking in their shoes.

If you would like to donate to the cause, click the link below.

Mental Health Foundation Donation Link


To learn more about the Montcalm Mental Health Foundation click here or click the picture below

MHF Brochure


What you need to Rally:

  • To ensure Rally participants have the best experience during the Walk With Me Against Stigma Rally if you are able, it is optional to bring:
    • Lawn Chair
    • Rally Signs
    • Comfortable Shoes
    • Comfortable Clothing - Green symbolizes Mental Health Awareness
    • Rain gear – This is a rain or shine event.


T-shirt purchase:

Click the link if you would like to order a T-Shirt See below for preview

A portion of the T-shirt sales goes directly to the Montcalm Mental Health Foundation.

Community Partners:

We want to thank the community for supporting the first annual Walk With Me Against Stigma Rally.

More Information to come about community partners. Please check back soon.



If you have a question about an upcoming event, please contact outreach [email protected] or our customer service department [email protected]