Person Centered Planning Test Name (First, Last)*Email address*Employer*Q1As a staff person, what must you consider when planning activities in the community? a) Plenty of opportunities to make choices and decisions. b) Plenty of support and encouragement for a person to progress toward more productive and independent activities. c) The expectation that people can take increasing responsibility for themselves. d. All of the above Q2Our own values, attitudes and beliefs have little to do with how we treat others. a. True b. False Q3Some causes of Intellectual Developmental Disabilities can be prevented. a) True b) False Q4Mental illness may be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. a) True b) False Q5Whether you plan it or not, the way you treat the people you work with may be copied by other staff and/or other people in public. a) True b) False Q6Flexibility is defined as, “the ability to bend, twist and be limber.” This definition describes your role as a staff person. a) True b) False Q7The Michigan Mental Health Code requires care to be provided in the least restrictive environment. a. True b. False Q8The Person Centered Plan includes: a) The consumer’s strengths. b) The consumer’s future plans, dreams and goals. c) Natural supports. d) All of the above. Q9The reasons for keeping a record for each person includes documentation for all of the following information except: a) Changes in the person’s health status. b) Any progress or lack of progress. c) Reasons why the person is living in the home. d) A list of whom the person receives mail from. Q10The ability to describe and not evaluate behavior is important because: a) Team members make program plan decisions based on your written documentation. b) Your observations will show changes in the person’s behavior. c) Your observations will indicate when goals have been reached. d) All of the above.